Crew Receives Warm Welcome During Impromptu Headquarters Visit

On the line, it can be easy to forget there’s an entire team working behind the scenes to make flights happen. Conversely, when you only see the aircraft as images on radar and flight maps,  office employees may take flight crews for granted. But not at CommutAir.

Today was a perfect example. When members of a CommutAir (C5) crew found themselves on an unusually long layover in Cleveland, they knew just how they wanted to spend the spare time.

Captain Timothy S. BellFlight Attendant Trainer Joshua-Scott Bassett and Flight Attendant Samantha Arocho-Torres called an Uber and spent the morning at C5’s North Olmsted Headquarters.

“I really wanted to get to know everyone,” Tim said. He recently joined C5 as a direct-entry captain. “I couldn’t be happier with my decision. My quality of life is so much better.”

The crew was introduced to work groups in every area: Payroll to Communications, IT to Accounting, Maintenance Planning to Travel. They were even given a personal tour from C5’s new Director of the SOC Mike Rosso.

Tim was happy to put faces to the voices he hears on the other end of the phone. “We thought we’d just meet crew scheduling,” Tim explained. “But Mike introduced us to everyone in the room individually and explained what they do for the company. It’s an impressive operation and that team works really hard.”

CEO Rick Hoefling warmly greeted the crew and they chatted about life on the line. “I’d encourage all members of our CommutAir Family to visit us when they are in Cleveland. No appointment necessary — this is home,” he said.

After nearly a two-hour visit, Benefits Manager Denise Daniels happily gave them a ride back to the airport. “We weren’t letting them take an Uber back,” she said. “That’s not what CommutAir is about.”

For Samantha, who just finished FA ground school on Friday, it was an incredible first day on the job. “None of my classmates can say they went to headquarters, got a tour of the SOC, and met the CEO on their first day of IOE,” she said. “I’ll definitely tell others it’s worth the time to visit.”

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To find out how you can join the #C5Family, click here. CommutAir is actively hiring pilots, flight attendants, aircraft mechanics, crew schedulers, and more.