Featured Crew

Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist Bianca Camargo


What was it that first interested you in aviation?   

Aviation has always intrigued me! The added element of traveling and meeting new people is exciting. I worked in the heavy industrial manufacturing industry before finding aviation and the opportunity to interact with people from different countries, build strong global connections and experience new cultures is something I really enjoy. 

Describe your journey to becoming a Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist. 

It’s been a journey of continuous growth and learning! I started my career in Human Resources with a staffing agency in heavy industrial manufacturing and engineering where I also gained valuable insight into operations and logistics. I enjoy communicating with people about their passions and matching them with opportunities that align with their goals and aspirations through building strong relationships with candidates and hiring managers. 

From there, I transitioned into aviation recruitment, utilizing my talent acquisition expertise to identify and attract talent for CommuteAir. I take a meticulous approach in assessing candidates’ skills, qualifications, and cultural fit, ensuring that the organization is staffed with exceptional individuals who would contribute to our shared success. 

Is there a particular moment that influenced or helped shape your career?   

I always go back to my first recruiting event at the 2022 EAA Air Venture. I was there for the whole week and being able to experience everything that goes into an event of that level and then the opportunity to meet different people from different countries was amazing. I met so many new people and due to my lack of aviation knowledge at that time, I wanted to hear from someone with experience. You know, somebody who was had been around the block and this gentleman was sharing his experiences in the Air Force. He explained his passion and love of aviation and that he shared this passion with his son and his son had followed in his footsteps, and that his grandsons are now pilots. Hearing how he passed on that passion throughout his family and that they could share that together made me feel like aviation was something that I wanted to be involved in.   

What challenges have you faced as a Hispanic aviator? 

I am first generation Puertorriqueña. I have never let these challenges overwhelm me. My parents experienced the hardships of this prejudice and I have been blessed to learn from their patience and respond with kindness. I feel like many industries are typically thought of as “male-dominated” or dominated by a specific ethnic group. But when I reflect on my time in aviation, I’ve come to recognize that as a member of the recruiting team, I get to travel and see a lot more than most folks do. I see more and more that it’s not actually like that.  

We have a lot of female workers, multicultural backgrounds and different experiences and everyone is going to have prejudices that will come up because of our diversity – we’re all different! It’s nice to learn from people’s different perspectives. I see others finding this commonality and working together as a team without seeing it as black, white, or brown. At the end of the day, sometimes the immediate response isn’t always the best response and being more patient and responding with kindness is the best way. You never know what people are going through! 

What advice would you give to future generations of aviators? 

This experience in aviation will be diverse and rewarding. You will have had the opportunity to work with various airlines and aviation organizations, contribute to different facets of the industry and be committed to staying ahead of the game and continuing to expand your knowledge in this fast-growing field 

Take the bull by the horns and enjoy the ride; experience everything, go on every trip, talk to every person, absorb that knowledge, and become the better version of yourself that you want to be by continuously learning. Just don’t forget to contribute back to the different facets of the industry as you grow. That way aviation can give back to our communities and help our future generations grow too.   

Pictured Below: Bianca and Her Mom